Monday 3 December 2012

Top 100 Music Videos

The music magazine 'NME' posted a list of their top 100 music video, which can be seen by following the link below:

It's important to remember though that everyone has their own favourite music videos, and so I've decided to list my 5 favourite music videos from the list of top 100 by 'NME'.


5. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

I have always loved this music video for the song itself and for the unique transition back and forth between seeing the band play the music and the strange scenes of them in the dark, singing, whilst facing upwards. I believe the reason I admire this video is also the reason why others admire it. It's unique which makes it memorable and also the song is very memorable, as it is arguably one of Queen's most well known and most loved songs.


4. Da Funk - Daft Punk

This video's theme is incredibly strange, but at the same time that's what first attracted me and many others to it. To see this six-foot-tall dog named Charles walking around with everyone acting casual made me laugh as well as always remember this video. I think it is the unique and strange nature of this video, like Bohemian Rhapsody, that makes it memorable and liked by so many, despite the song being seemingly not the main focus, even though it is in fact a music video.


3. The Scientist - Coldplay

While the idea of having a music video run completey backwards has been done before, the feeling this song gives goes incredibly well with the tragic visuals we see (of the fact he and a girl he was with were in a car crash). This is the reason why I like this video so much; the connection between visuals and style of music. The song on it's own is obviously a major attraction but visuals matter just as much as the song in my opinion, as here the director (Jamie Thraves) has made a fantastic pairing, leaving a truly memorable and loved music video in the minds of many.


2. Islands - The xx

There's something about this music video that stick within my mind. I believe the reason I liek it so much is that the repetition is something that hasn't been done before, and also I love how over the course of the music video there are constantly very subtle changes that eventually lead to the video being altered completely. I think this is the same reason why the fans like this video, it's unique, and as I've said, videos that are unique stick within the viewer, since they really stand out from the crowd by saying "I'm different!".


1. This Too Shall Pass - OK Go

I love the ingenuity in this video and clearly so do many others (with 39 million views on 'YouTube' alone). The music is great but the visuals here are what make this video really special, as when talking about giving a unique image this video is the perfect example. This contraption stands out among music videos as it is not only an incredibly fun and cool feat of human design, but it has been designed to work incredibly well with the music (as you can see by the start of diferent parts of the contraption being perfectly in sync with the music). I will always regard this music videos as one of my favourite of all time and the number 1 out of 'NME''s list of top 100 greatest music videos.


Anyway everyone, that wrpas up this post about the top 100 music videos (and of them, my 5 favourite).

Be sure to leave a comment on what your favourite 5 music videos are and why :) I look forward to hearing what they are and your reasons behind your choices are.

Until next time :)

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