Friday, 15 March 2013

Analysis and Research of Digipacks

In this post you will see information and analysis of various digipacks:

A "Digipak" is a style of CD, DVD or or Blu-Ray disc packaging.

Digipaks typically consist of a gate-fold (book style) paperboard or card-stock outer binding with one or more plastic trays to house CDs, or DVDs inside.

Digipacks were among the first alternatives to jewel cases, used by major record labels. Digipak-style cases grew in popularity among record labels and recording artists in the early 2000s. Digipak-style packaging is often used for CD singles and special editions of CD albums. Manufacturers of digipak have sought to reduce environmental impact and also improve functionality through adding recycled components into the trays, one manufacturer has even has a 100% recycled tray made from recycled bottles, whilst another manufacturer takes this idea of recycling even further by forgetting the idea of the plastic try entirely, and replacing it with a paper tray made from sugarcane and egg carton.

Originally, "IMPAC Group, Inc." owned the Digipak trademark, however that company was acquired by "MeadWestvaco" ("MVC") in 2000 and folded into its AGI Media division. Following this acquisition, the Digipack name was licensed to manufacturers around the globe.

below is an image of a digipak (top) to allow for comparison with the image of a jewel case (bottom).


The image above is the front cover of the "GORILLAZ" album "DEMON DAYS".

The cover art is very simplistic (the "band members" within four white windows in a grid pattern) but this simplistic quality is often quite attractive, as often viewers find "less is more".

The colour scheme each band member has is quite different to the others, I.e. each band member has their own colour scheme. This gives a sense that while the band members are displaying a similar attitude, they may all be very different in terms of character

The attitude the characters display seems to be that of boredom/ignorance, giving quite a mysterious/cool/aloofness to the characters. This alone may intrigue viewers, making them want to learn more about the band. The characters' attitudes' are also often seen by various artists who are considered to be quite "cool", as the "couldn't care less" attitude is viewed by some to be a very attractive quality (attractive in the sense that is is both desirable and an attractive personality trait)

The orange sticker towards the bottom-left tell audiences that the latest album contains the newest single by the "GORILLAZ". This adds to the quality of the CD if the song has been received well, which is likely the case as otherwise there wouldn't be a sticker informing the audience on the front cover of the digipak that the particular song is included in the album. This improved quality of the CD (in that it contains a well-received song) is a feature that really helps to sell the album, since the album contains a song fans do enjoy listening to and will therefore enjoy owning a copy of.

The image above is the inside of the "GORILLAZ" album "DEMON DAYS".

On the left you will see that the information displayed  lists all the songs on the album in order as well as additional information such as all those who worked on the songs besides the "GORILLAZ" themselves. This is primarily information for the audience on the songs on the CD, a thanks to those involved in the production of the album and songs, and also a way of promoting others, thus allowing them to become more popular and have other things they've worked on be purchased, making the left side of the inside of the digipak helpful for everyone (both audience and producer of the songs/album). This booklet however is also a art booklet, filled with drawings of the "GORILLAZ" by the artist behind the "GORILLAZ" characters, allowing his work to be promoted as well.

The right side simply houses the CD and contains nothing (since the CD usually sits there).

The inside has synergy with the colour scheme of the front cover; black background with white writing (and also a white CD with black silhouettes of the characters). This synergy simply adds to the style of this particular "GORILLAZ" digipak.

The image above is of the back cover of the "GORILLAZ" album "DEMON DAYS"

The colour scheme of the back cover inverts the general colour scheme of the rest of the digipak (instead of black with white text, it is white with black text. This inversion adds to the style of the digipak, making it visually appealing to audiences since they, in stores, are able to view both the front and back of the digipak.

The artwork also adds to the visual appeal and style, as the "GORILLAZ" characters are the strongest reference to the band (like how any artist is the strongest reference to his music), thus the drawing add both style and make the digipak recognisable, allowing audiences to easily know this is a "GORILLAZ" album. The expression of the character here though, unlike the front cover, shows different personalities (much like how the colour on the front cover may have represented this).

Finally the left side of the back cover simply lists the songs in the order they are arranged on the album, informing audiences of what they're going to get in the album. The information towards the bottom is simply legal information including the record label associated with the artists. This could allow fans to seek out other artists associated with the record label allowing greater promotion for those artists and the record label itself, although this isn't a very strong feature of the digipak, since the main reason it is there is for, as mentioned, legal purposes, not the promotion of the record label (although it still helps, even if it doesn't help much).

The images above are the inner spine (top image) and outer spine (bottom image) of the "GORILLAZ" album "DEMON DAYS".

Both inner and outer spine have synergy with the major colour scheme of the album (black with white text), adding to the style of the album thus making it visually appealing to the audience.

The inner spine simply has a notice that the CD is copy controlled along with the copy control logo, so that illegal copies cannot be made of the CD, in an attempt to ward off those who will try to make illegal copies for their own benefit and profit, allowing all those associated with the CD to retain as much of the profits as possible. The outer spine simply lets audiences know this digipak is the album "DEMON DAYS" by the "GORILLAZ", and that the music is from the record label "EMI", thus promoting the record label, and finally to the left of this information is simply a reference number for the album.


The image above is the front cover of "NICKELBACK"'s album "ALL THE RIGHT REASONS".

The clear presentation of the band's name plus the name of the album allows audiences to immediately recognise that this is a "NICKELBACK" album. Therefore this minimalist text approach allows fans to easilt notice who's digipak this is.

The sticker on the front tells the audience that the album has been very well received in the US, adding to the quality of the album and making the audience convinced the content on the album is worth purchasing. The sticker also tells audiences about a number of songs featured in the album. The reason behind this is that these songs have been well received and therefore these songs being on the album adds to the quality of it, making fans more likely to purchase it since it contains very popular songs from the band.

The imagery is quite mysterious. it is the image of a car driving somewhere, and it's clear the images has been manipulated to give it a unique style, adding to the visual appeal of the album, thus intriguing viewers to want to know more about it and then possible purchase it, as while people shouldn't, often viewers do judge by the cover of  something, therefore visual appeal vouches for the CD increasing the likelihood that some viewers will purchase it.

The image above is the back cover of the "NICKELBACK" album "ALL THE RIGHT REASONS".

The image is key here as it contains the entire band. This for fans will instantly help them recognise, if they hadn't already, that this is a "NICKELBACK" album, thus drawing them in. The combination of casual attire, attitude of the band members and props shows the genre and personality of their music, thus allowing new audiences to get a sense that obviously this music style isn't necessarily the type of music to be played at raves and clubs, but instead it is easy listening music that has soul and substance to the lyrics.

The songs listed on the right simply allows viewers tot know all the songs that are on the album. While simple though, this is key in selling the album, as it allows viewers to judge whether or not they actually want to purchase the album, although, as stated by the sticker on the front cover and evident here, the album contains a number of very popular songs thus reinforcing the quality of the album. The credits below this are thanks to those involved besides the band, as well as promotion for those artists so that they may gain a larger audience and better awareness, leading to more work.

Finally on the bottom-right is the legal information i.e. bar-code, licensing information, etc. as well as the "ROADRUNNER RECORDS" logo and the official web address for the band and record label, allowing fans to be up to date on the band (bringing in more money since fans will be able to stay informed about tours, albums, etc.) as well as discover other artists associated with the record label, allowing promotion of the record label, other artists, and therefore the possibility of more money for both.

The images above are the inside of the "NICKELBACK" album "ALL THE RIGHT REASONS".

On the left is an image of the band members of "NICKELBACK". While older fans will already know the band members, this is helpful for newer fans as it reinforces the image of the band in their minds, thus allowing them to recognise the band on future occasions much more easily. Therefore it promotes the band and allows newer fans to spot the band's products in the future, allowing for greater chances of sales of the band's products. This image however is also a booklet containing the lyrics to every song on the album, as well as thanks to all those involved in the production. This booklet therefore adds to the content of the digipak and therefore makes it seem greater quality. It also promotes those involved in the production as a means of thanks, possibly leading to more work for those individuals.

The inner spine is the colour of the road, as is the right side of the inside. This therefore demonstrates synergy with the front cover of the album, adding tot he visual style of the album. The right side also contains road markings, again demonstrating synergy with the theme of the road, and again adding to the visual style of the album. There is also synergy in how the road markings are worn away and the style of font used across the album, including the CD (since it is also worn). The worn style to the CD is also synergistic with the album, and the gray colour matches the landscape around the road on the front cover, adding to the visual style of the album, making it appeal to audiences, and also making them aware the product is clearly of high visual physical, and that those involved clearly care that the digipak appeals to its audience.

The image above is the outer spine of the "NICKELBACK" album "ALL THE RIGHT REASONS".

The outer spine clearly lists the band's name as well as the name of the album, allowing audiences to easily spot the album as well as the artists, increasing the likelihood of fans finding the album in stores, and possibly increasing the likelihood of the album being purchased. There is synergy demonstrated again here with the style of font, as it is the worn style that is used across the album, adding tot he visual quality of the album.

Finally to the right of this is the "ROADRUNNER RECORDS" logo, and to the left a reference number for the album. The logo helps to promote the record label behind the artists and therefore gain greater awareness of the record label itself and the artists associated with it, thus possibly gaining more sales as fans may find they also like other artists associated with the same record label as "NICKLEBACK".


The image above is the front cover of the "MINISTRY OF SOUND" album "GARAGE CLASSICS"

The front cover clearly states multiple times that the album contains 3 CDs and a total of 72 tracks. This will give a sence of value-for-money to the audience, making them more likely to consider purchasing the album. Th sticker also mentions a number of well known artists, reinforcing the quality of the music within the album and therefore making it more appealing since the artists are popular, thus increasing the chance of the audience considering purchasing the album.

The front cover clearly stated that the album is presented by the "MINISTRY OF SOUND"; a well known and well recieved series of music compilations, adding to the quality of the album and giving the audience a sense that the album will be the best of the artists it contains, thus appealing to the largest audience possible through the use of their most successful tracks.

The front cover states that it will be "the first in a series of definitive club collections" thus promoting future products, since now the audience knows to look out for more if they liked this album.

The "MINISTRY OF SOUND" logo helps to promote the series, thus allowing audiences to recognise other products from the "MINISTRY OF SOUND" if they liked this product. This allows them to have a greater chance of recognising products and therefore possibly purchasing them in stores, online, etc.

The colours used on the front cover give the digipack a shine, which may attract the viewers in stores, if the colours alone don't already. This simply helps to catch the veiwers' attention in stores and add to the visual style of the digipak.

Finally, the front cover makes it known to the audience that the album was mixed by "THE WIDEBOYS" who are well known mix artists. This therefore may attract more viewers into purchasing this product, as they may know the work of "THE WIDEBOYS" is very good, and it may also attract those who are fans of other work by the group. This also helps to promote "THE WIDEBOYS" and therefore increase the chances of their other work beeing purchased (if someone likes this album). Therefore this statement that the album has been ixed by this group helps both the group and the album in terms of promotion of quality products and sales of thier products.

The image above is of the back of the "MINISTRY OF SOUND" album "GARAGE CLASSICS".

The colour cheme here demonstrates synergy as it uses a darker background combined with gold and white text. This adds to the visual style of the album and therefore makes it possibly more appealing as well as easier to recognise, by sticking to one colour scheme, thuis increasing chances of audiences finding the album and possibly purchasing it.

The lists detail all the songs from each cd, in the correct order, along with the artist(s) and version of the track. This information does two things. First, it helps those thinking about purchasing the album as it allows them to view all the tracks, possibly making them more likely to purchase the album, and second, it helps promote the artists, possibly leading to more of their work being purchased.

Finally, the information on the left (i.e. the barcode and text) is simply for legal reasons.

The images above is of the insides of the "MINISTRY OF SOUND" album "GARAGE CLASSICS"

As you can see, the left side of the insides houses a booklet which lists information on all the artists on the album. This helps to promote the artists, thus allowing them and those associated with them to possibly gain more profit from audiences seeking out and purchasing their other work. It also gives a sense of high quality to the album itself, since this booklet wasn't necessary but was added for the audiences enjoyment.

The right side contains text that is a thank you to all those involved with the making of the album, thus allowing people involved to be promoted, therefore possibly gaining them future work since this album shows the standard to which they work.

The middle simply houses the 3 CDs, but it, like the left and right side, keeps with the colour scheme seen earlier, thus demonstrating synergy. This therefore adds to the visual style of the album, and makes it more recognisable for audiences. 

The image above is of the back of the right side of the insides, of the "MINISTRY OF SOUND" album "GARAGE CLASSICS".

The text and background here follows the colour scheme seen earlier, demonstrating synergy thus making this album more recognisable.

The text above is an intro to the album itself, and adds to the sense of high quality of the album as well as the amount of work put into it, in order to make it a worthwhile product for audiences and a respectful compilation of track for the genre of music. The reinforced sense of time and effort put into the album may make audiences feel less cautious about buying the album, as they may be convinced by this seemingly vast amount of hard work that the album is sure to be a very good piece of music and worth their time and money, thus making more sales for the album.

 The image above is of the outer spine of the "MINISTRY OF SOUND" album "GARAGE CLASSICS".

Th text here keeps with the colour scheme of the album, thus making it recognisable and allowing audiences to more easily find the album when searching in stores, therefore allowing for the possibility of more sales. The text here simply stated the name of the album along with who's presenting it, as well as a reference number. However the name and the name of who is presenting it are essential, as this allows audiences to recognise the album at first glance, since they can read the name, thus increasing the chances of audiences finding the album in stores, thus allowing for the possibility of more sales.


I hope you all enjoyed my research and analysis of digipaks.

Be sure to leave a comment on the digipacks you analysed and be sure to watch my blog for all my digipak design which will be up soon :)

See you all next time :)

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