Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Production - Digipak Filter Process

Other filters that I looked at whilst choosing a filter for my photos included:

Cutout (which blended the artist with the background too much):

Poster Edges (this actually came second to my chosen filter, which was Film Grain):

Watercolour (this came in third, the only reason I didn't use this was because my music video was involving drawing and not watercolour, but I still liked this filter):

Dark Strokes (in my opinion this made my artist too darkened, making the mood of the image more emo/goth than indie, which is why I didn't choose it):

Stamp (which made the image red, which was in no way my intention with the filter, and a problem I encountered with most of the other filters under the Sketch section):

Even though I did experiment with the strength/intensity of many of the filters (such as my second favourite), the one that worked best for me was Film Grain, which is of course why I chose it. Even though I did try out every filter, I experimented most with the filter under the Artistic section, as most of those filters came close to achieving the kind of effect I was interested in (and one of them of course did achieve that effect; Film Grain). 

I hope you all enjoyed this post about the kind of filters I experimented with before choosing.

Be sure to check back for more posts and I will see you all next time :)

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