Monday, 18 March 2013

Production - Digipak Front Cover Draft

Below is the draft for the front cover of my Digipak:

The numbers I have added as a means of explaining how I went about creating the draft of my front cover:

1. The Custom Shape Tool was my means of creating the circle for my lure. I simply selected the tool, selected a circle from the many shapes available, and then drew a circle on my front cover.

2. The Horizontal Type Tool was my means of inputting text into the circle created for my lure. The text was inserted by selecting the tool and then simply drawing a text box within the circle, so that it would not leave the boundaries of the circle (which would make it look unprofessional) and then typing what I wanted to display.

3. The Colour Picker was how I coloured my circle the eye catching yellow it is. I did this by simply selecting the colour picker and choosing yellow whilst I was placing the circle where I wanted it. This then changed the circle from a dull black, to an outstanding yellow, thus creating the lure I wanted (one that stands out, thus catching the attention of the audience, leading them to be enticed by the lure itself, i.e. the digipak including the new music video).

4. Edit was used as my way of pasting the font for my Digipak title and the name of the artist, as I screenshot the text from "Dafont", then simply pasted it via the Edit menu, and manipulated it from there.

5. The Magic Wand Tool was my means of eliminating the white background from my Digipak title, as when it was screenshot from "Dafont" the background was white. Using the Magic Wand Tool I selected the area around the font, as well as within the font's spaces (e.g. the space inside the "D") and pressed the Delete key, thus eliminating the background and allowing my background to be seen behind it, making it look professional.

6. The Cursor Tool was incredibly useful, as whilst creating my Front Cover it allowed my to move around all of my images (i.e. the background and lure), font, etc. , to where I though it worked the most, thus allowing it to look the most professional it could.

7. Finally the Rectangular Marquee Tool, which I used to originally remove the font from my screenshots of "Dafont". When I pasted my screenshots of my font, I needed a means of taking them out of the original image, I did this y simply selecting the area around the font with this tool, and then using the Cut tool from the Edit menu, then deleting the remaining image, pasting the font and manipulating it from there, i.e. using the magic wand.

I would liek to mention that my draft differs from my flat plan, as originally I had planned a white background with black text. While I am still going to use black text, the outside of my digipak shall use a background that seems like lined paper. This fits in with the theme of writing/drawing, thus making the artists name placed where it is on the front cover seem handwritten. Not only that, but because of its position it is reminiscent of a child's school days, fitting in with the age of the girl in the music video (around 17/18 and therefore still in school) and how she is drawing on paper as students often do (even though she is drawing on blank paper).

Anyway that raps it up for this post guys and girls.

Be sure to watch my blog as more digipak updates are coming soon!

Until next time everyone.

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