Friday 22 March 2013

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have learned a great deal from my audience feedback, and my audience in many cases has been the deciding factor in my choice of fonts, images, etc.

Throughout the creation of my media products, I always considered my audience when making decisions, since all my products are aimed at my audience, and what appeals to them is most likely to grab their attention.

The Music Video

Whilst making my music video, I asked my audience religiously if there were improvements that could be made, once I had completed the Rough Cut.

I asked for feedback in nearly every post, as well as in the forms of questionnaires, polls, and even just asking my media classmates for their opinion on my work.

I did this so that I could achieve products that appealed most to my target audience and thus create the most successful product possible.

What I learnt from feedback was that people liked my animation, but it needed to be extended where it was still and had no movement, since it dragged on. I also learnt that the lighting in certain shots wasn't to its fullest potential.

Comments such as the ones above caused me to make improvements to my music video through further animation and experimentation with effects. Therefore I am glad my work was criticised as it allowed me to learn where my video felt flawed and thus create a more professional and appealing (to my audience) media product.

The Digipak

The audience played a major role in deciding on the content of my Digipak, as they made decisions such as the name of the album, font style and the images that were going to be used.

They audience also let me know, through a questionnaire, whether any changes should be made to my Digipak in order to improve it in any way.

So from my audience feedback, I learnt what the most popular/appealing content would be, as well as if the audience though any content should be added/removed/changed. Learning all this information ultimately allowed me to create a better and more appealing product, since the audience is who I'm trying to appeal the product to, and applying what they most liked meant the most appealing product possible.

The Magazine Advert

I learnt much from the audience about my advert through the use of questionnaire, much like my digipak.

Learning how my audience felt about my advert (whether anything should be added/removed/changed) allowed me to learn whether my product was appealing to my audience (which was of course my aim, along with making it look professional). Knowing it was appealing through my questionnaire allowed me to have ease of mind, as otherwise I may have added/removed/changed the content unnecessarily, thus ruining my advert, but thanks to my audience I learnt that the advert was perfect the way it was, allowing me to create a product with maximum audience appeal.

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