Thursday, 21 March 2013

Production - Magazine Advert Complete!!!

I now declare my Magazine Advert complete!

Below is my finished magazine advert:

As you can see from my magazine advert, my focus was on the maximum amount of synergy possible, as well as a great amount of promotion. Synergy was achieved through the use of colour scheme, font and the drawings, as they are all used on the other media texts (music video/digipak) thus achieving synergy and giving these products related to Newton Faulkner (the artist) a style that can be easily recognised. I also aimed to maximise promotion, through making sure that the audience knew what the album look like, allowing it to be easily identified online/in-store. Through giving the audience the websites associated with the artist, allowing them to learn more about him and his other music. Through giving the audience the name of the record label that is associated with the artists, allowing the record label to be promoted as well as other artists that are part of the label. And finally through using reviews to promote the album as a high quality product, and through making sure the audience knew the album was available both in-store and online, and that all editions include the music video for "Dream Catch Me", thus increasing the chance of sales since the audience knows they will be getting not only a quality product but one with an added extra too.

This post was mainly just to declare my advert finished, which I have now done, as well as give some insight into my aims whilst producing this magazine advert, which were to create a professional looking advert that maximises synergy and promotion of the artist, which I can gladly say I believe I have achieved.

I am proud of the finished product and am very proud to declare it finished.

That raps it up for this post everyone but be sure to follow my blog for my evaluation questions coming soon.

Until next time everyone.

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