Tuesday 19 March 2013

Production - Digipak Left Inner Pane Draft 2

I have now made significant changes to the left inner pane of my digipak as you can see below. I will also explain how I went about these changes:

1. To input my character onto the photo I simply selected the Brush Tool and used my graphics tablet to draw him straight onto the artist's shoulder.

2. To change the entire image I used the Filter menu. Under the filter menu, the filter I used was "Film Grain". I experimented with other filters but none of them produced the image I was looking for. Because of the white background, under certain filters the background seemed to blend with the artist, thus obscuring the image, or darkening it such that I could not actually see the artist. This filter however created a nice effect, so nice in fact that it actually made me reconsider my initial plan to have the background of the inside of my digipak white, and instead have it this mix of cream/dirt colour.

Anyway guys and girls that covers everything in this post :)

More updates coming soon so be sure to watch out for those :)

Until next time :D

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