Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Production - Magazine Advert Second Draft Progress 2

Below is the second stage of my magazine advert second draft, followed by an explanation of the changes made and how I made them:

The changes made are that I have now drawn the two characters from my music video/digipak onto the advert.

I did this by using my graphics tablet and the Brush tool on the sidebar. Once this was selected I first drew my characters much bigger than they currently are, and then used the Cursor tool to scale and place the characters appropriately.

I like the change as it adds more synergy to my products and the characters are a cute space-filler without cluttering the space. So my verdict is that I am definitely keeping the characters where they are as I really like the addition.

That raps it up for this post everyone but be sure to follow my blog for more updates coming soon.

Until next time :)

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